Last summer, I was
messin' around with my camera on our deck shortly before we left for our wedding in Mexico, and I snapped this self-portrait when I noticed a beautiful sky early one evening. For something a little different, I took this while looking into our white-trash gazing ball. (Apologies to anyone I've offended who has a gazing ball. Hey, we have one, so I guess that makes us white trash, too.)
We've had endless fun with it, though, so we don't care. Last summer, I had friends pose with the ball at all of our parties for pictures last summer. I'll have to dig those pictures up and post some of the funnier ones.
EOS 20D, Sigma 28-70mm f/2.8-4 lens. Exposure unrecorded.

Believe it or not, I took this picture with a hand-held point and shoot camera during Philly's July 4 fireworks display at the Philadelphia Art Museum in 2005. It's not a terrific shot, but I was pleased with how it came out considering the camera I used and the light available, which was next to none, save the fireworks.
Photo taken with a Canon Sure Shot 115u, film and exposure unrecorded. Print scanned in on a Canon 9950F Scanner, altered slightly in
Photoshop CS3 to eliminate background elements.
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