I really didn't take that many pictures this Fourth of July, but I did take a few from our rooftop deck, with varied success. I have to confess I was too lazy to get my EOS 5D out while there were so many people at our condo (and while I was consuming alcohol); if something were to happen to my HP camera, I wouldn't be
nearly as upset as I would if something happened to the EOS. But, I did the best I could with the HP. On to the images...

I know this is out of focus, but I like it anyway. Maybe I should just say I used a hazing filter? Our cat Butter was sitting, against his will, on my lap, and I took my camera and turned it around and snapped it. I always have to
sneak snap him, because 99 percent of the time, he's not a willing subject for photographs.
HP Photosmart R967, ISO 100, Program Mode
This is from our balcony as we were watching the fireworks, during a lull in the action. I set my HP to program, knowing it would select a drag shutter speed, and I just moved my camera a little, to dramatic results.
HP Photosmart R967, ISO 400, Program ModeFor the following pics, I set my HP to ISO 400, and put the camera on our railing. I set the camera to self timer 2 mode, where it takes two pictures. Some were hits and some were misses. Here are some of the hits...

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