Friday, July 27, 2007

Nephew & brother

We are in Washington State now in the Olympic National Forest, enjoying relaxation. Fortunately, Vandra's parents have broadband access at their remote oasis in the forest. Sweet! Relaxation, away from civilization - this place was almost custom made for me. No TV, on a river, but I can still get the laptop and peck away or work on my digital photos.

In the coming days, I'll be hopefully posting some great snaps from here as well as our impending trip to Seattle.

In the meantime, here's a picture from my brother Matt's house last weekend. As usual, Matt was always a ham for the camera, putting on the kids' glasses. As you can see, they sooo fit. Here he is with his youngest son, Parker.

Canon EOS 5D, Canon 70-200 f2.8L, ISO 400, exposure unrecorded

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