Saturday, September 8, 2007

Coming early next week: some (hopefully) decent wedding shots

Today we're going to my friend Meredith's wedding in Reading, PA. While I'm looking forward to it because I'm so happy for her, I'm also eager from a photography standpoint. I've been hired to shoot a wedding next May, and this will be a dry run of sorts. More importantly, I want to finally put my Gary Fong diffuser through its paces. I've had the thing for over six months now, but I'm yet to really use it.

It turns out I wasn't using the diffuser correctly the first time I had it out shooting. I'll be the first to confess that I'm not always great about reading manuals or watching how-to DVDs that come with my various pieces of equipment. I'm mostly to blame, but digital is to blame, too; since shooting digital, unlike film, doesn't cost anything but time, I like to just start shooting and experimenting whenever I get something new.

But, my results last time sent me looking for the DVD, and once I watched it, I had about five "A-ha!" moments. So, I hope I have a few decent shots to share with you early next week from the wedding and reception. I know Gary Fong makes great diffusers - I just need to refine how I'm using them.

More to come on Monday. (After all, tomorrow is opening day for the NFL - unofficially that's a holiday in our house.)

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