Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dance Recital

While we were in California over the holidays, we went to a dance recital; my first one ever. Our friends Jenny and Paul have two adorable daughters, Molly and Emily. Their oldest, Molly, had a dance recital, we went along and I brought my EOS. The shooting conditions were pretty hostile, at least for indoors - very low light; a very high, black ceiling and we were practically on top of the kids, so ultra wide angle was called for. (So much for my image stabilized 70-200 f2.8L)

Anyway, I wasn't pleased with most of the images, but here are two of the better ones. Unfortunately, I was slightly off to the side, so most of my images were taken at an angle, but I think the two images below work, despite my vantage point.

Molly (in front) looked too adorable in her "prom" dress - they really are so funny and tentative at that age.

After Molly finished with her routine, three other kids came out and did a hip-hop dance, so I kept on shooting. These three girls were, other than Molly, the hit of the night for me. I could barely hold the camera still I was laughing so hard (with them, not at them, of course). They too were adorable, especially at the end, when they were hamming it up for the cameras.

1 comment:

Jenny McMasters - Photographer said...

I better subscribe to your blog so I know when pics of my Molly make the posts! Can you believe I haven't even looked at my pictures yet?!?!